22 Amazing Indoor Christmas Decorations Ideas for This Year!

When we hear about Christmas, the famous Christmas song “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!” and Santa Claus clicks our minds. When Christmas is near, you very well know what that means, it’s time to bust out the Christmas tree! Indoor Christmas decorations ideas are our gift to you this season! Check out these festive holiday decorations that are sure to get everyone into the spirit!

Indoor Christmas decorations is a great way to celebrate the Christmas festival is to bring alive the joyful spirit of Christmas in your home. Whether you are treating guests for a holiday party or you want to make your house feel pleasant and festive for your family, to make some thoughtful efforts and decorate your home in a manner that will help you and your visitors value the cheerful Christmas design ideas is a creative part which you ought to know. While there are lots of interesting decorative indoor Christmas decorations items readily available in the market. But we still recommend and explore your own creativity and present an innovative and new look to your sweet home in your style different from others.

To bring alive the Christmas (yuletide) spirit in your house, little efforts are needed to decorate each and every area of your house. However, some extra attention should be paid to the living room area as this is place where you receive your guests and celebrate the festival!

Indoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

Indoor Christmas Decorations Ideas

Indoor Christmas decorations ideas add a touch of holiday cheer to each and every aspect of your home. Whether you have a traditional or contemporary home, these ideas are surely about to inspire you. Set a festive vibe throughout your homes and drape it with holiday spirit with these creative indoor Christmas decorations ideas:

01. Buy or Trim a Christmas Tree

Buy or trim a Christmas tree

Christmas tree is very significant object for Christmas festival. If you don’t do anything else, only get a tree, it is enough! You can choose either a real or artificial Christmas tree and set it up in your home where your family usually celebrates Christmas day.

02. Snowman Christmas Tree

Snowman Christmas Tree

One of the simplest and cutest Christmas decoration is a snowman Christmas tree. It is a two in one Christmas décor to impress your guests and children visiting your place during Christmas. You can show your creativity with this unique and cool idea for indoor Christmas decoration.

03. Three-Dimensional Wooden Christmas Tree

Three-Dimensional Wooden Christmas Tree

When there in not enough space for keeping Christmas tree indoor, still you can incorporate it in your indoors. A three-dimensional Christmas tree idea will surely amaze your guests. It is a perfect way to create a place to keep gifts. It is made from wooden pieces cut at an angle to look like a real tree and then place in a corner of your home to give a 3D effect. Add a star on top and Christmas lights across the tree.

04. Hang Fancy Stockings for Christmas Decor

Hang fancy stockings

Colourful Stockings which are homemade can be set against a beautiful foliage of flowers and gold/silver/copper Christmas decor items and ribbons makes an attractive hanging display to your wall itself!

05. Use Mistletoe for Christmas Decoration

You can find a fresh mistletoe in a nursery or even in hardwood trees of your backyard or neighborhood garden. You can also buy a faux mistletoe plant to hang on a doorway or between rooms of your house. You can use red ribbon to tie which will make it look more festive!

Use Mistletoe

And of course, encourage people to give each other a kiss if they find themselves standing beneath the mistletoe together! There is a belief behind mistletoe i.e. during the Christmas time a young lady standing under a ball of mistletoe, brightly trimmed with evergreen, ribbons, and Christmas ornaments, cannot refuse to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or a lasting friendship and goodwill. If the girl remained un-kissed, she cannot expect not to marry the following year. There is a strong belief behind the mistletoe know in detail about it!

06. Display Christmas Cards

Display Christmas Cards

Use some of supporting banisters and windows to hang the Christmas creative and attractive cards by using clips or clothespins to string them along the staircase. It is a simplest way to start the indoor Christmas decorations.

07. DIY Christmas Decoration for Stairway

DIY Christmas Décor for Stairway

If you have a stairway in your homes, then this Christmas DIY idea is a prefect idea for your indoor decoration. It is really very easy and eye-catchy too. All you need to do is start by wrapping the garland around the handrail. Once you are done with it, use pinecones, berries and Christmas lights for decoration. Find family photos and use ribbon to suspend it from handrail. And you are done with this DIY…

08. Decorate A Door with Christmas Wreath

Decorate a door with Christmas Wreath

Mostly people display the Christmas wreath on the doors which symbolizes eternal life to the family. You can buy or make Christmas wreath of fresh and sweet smelling like evergreen. Christmas wreath gives a welcoming vibe to your guests and also indicate to the passers that your house has a spirit of Christmas! It also makes your house look as if it is welcoming the guests.

09. Christmas Decoration with Candles

Decorate with Candles

The simple way of using candles for Christmas festival is to wrap them up in your favourite carols and hymns and decorate it in your living room or on top of a piano.

Candles in windows of your house are always classic and will add colours to your windows! If your style is subtle and serene, consider placing an electrical candle in each window of the house. It is a beautiful way to decorate Christmas festival without spending too much money on big indoor Christmas decorations!

10. Make Paper Snowflakes for Christmas Decor

Make Paper Snowflakes

Paper snowflakes are easy and fun to make. All you need is a paper, scissors, and some string and tape if you want to hang them up. Now design them as per your choice and cut them with scissors and it is ready. Making paper snowflakes is a great activity to do with the kids.

11. Decorate Your Space Using Red & Green Accents for Christmas

Use Red & Green Accents

Red and green are the colours of Christmas festival, so any celebration theme that has this colour scheme will make your house look more festive with many indoor Christmas design ideas! You can get creative with red and green items around the house.

For e.g. you can use red and green pillows, bows around door knobs, Christmas bells, Dish clothes of your kitchen, Candles. Also buy Poinsettia plant to add Red and green!

12. Add Santa Hat Chair Covers

Add Santa Hat Chair Covers

Simply transform your dining area by taking some inspiration from the Man in Red called Santa who is favourite of all kids! These covers are totally machine washed safe, so that the cookies dough will come right out when the holidays are over!

13. Christmas Decor with Pinecone & Holly Berries

Decorate with Pinecone & Holly Berries

Another great product to steal from nature is holly tree (an evergreen whose stiff, glossy, sharp pointed leaves and clusters of red berries are used in outdoor & indoor Christmas decorations). 

Trim a few branches off a bush, mix it with some evergreen needles you have found outside or put in an old picnic basket with other greenery. You can decorate it with glitter. It’s perfect for the Holidays!

14. Decorate Your Hallway with Christmas Lights

Hallway Lights

There are lots of typically forgotten spaces in our homes that you could use to lit up for Christmas festival or eve. The most obvious one is the space between the rooms that is the hallway!

You can make it magical by simply stringing up some style lights across the ceiling. Hang some lights at the top borders of walls where the ceiling meets the wall. If you have enough lights to do it, string up some lights around the room you will be presenting most of the Christmas festivities in!

15. Indoor Christmas Decor with Fabric Garland

Fabric Garland

Another important area we should not forget is the Stairs! While we grew up with regular garland wrapped around the banisters. It’s a time to decorate your stair by enchanting DIY (Do It Yourself) ideas for one made of glowing lights along with snow-like fabric!

16. Creative Cotton Ball for Snow

Creative Cotton Ball for Snow

The inside weathercan be delightful with this idea of decorating the blank space of your home with cotton balls and string – Christmas ornaments, and it’s simple and easy.

17. Special Delivery Calendar

Special Delivery Calendar

You can make your own advent calendar using simple envelopes and stick it on the numbers to transform a large soft board. Fill each envelope with the treats such as a coupon good for an extra hour of playing video games, candy canes, gift certificate to the ice cream parlor which are enjoyable and surprising. With the promise of small treasure every day till 25, the kids will love counting down the days to December 25..

18. Entry Doormats for Christmas

Entry Doormats

Set out the entry doormats inside or outside that have a festive Christmas theme. It will make your guests a welcoming Christmas vibe from the point they will enter your homes.

19. DIY Christmas Snow Globes

Christmas Snow Globes

Besides living room, if you are looking for decorating your kitchen with little things, then explore your creative side and make snow globes. It is a perfect DIY to keep in your kitchens or dining area. Add 1/3 level of coconut flakes to the glass jar and then place a small branch acting as a tree. Now add some coconut flakes on that branch. Coconut flakes serve as a snow. You can add some berries tied to a thread on the neck of the jar. And this cute DIY for your indoor Christmas décor is ready.

20. Advent Tree of Wonder

Advent Tree

Advent calendars are popular during the Christmas to get small gift treat for a period of 25 days. Instead of advent calendar, you can create an advent tree this year. Explore your creative juices flowing and make a wooden Christmas tree that will enhance your indoor Christmas decoration. Now nail 25 buckets and add different treats in it. It will be a bit different idea pleasing the children.

21. Light-up Door Display

Door Display Christmas Tree

One simple indoor Christmas decoration idea is that you can display your Christmas tree on the door within your living room. You can easily create it by outlining white Christmas lights for the tree. Now add colourful Christmas ornaments matching the colour of your Christmas décor and you are done.

22. Starry Night for Indoor Christmas Decoration

Christmas lights

Christmas lights are a great way to add Christmas vibe around your living space. But this time, instead of draping it on the walls, why not hang them from the ceiling? It will create a perfect starry atmosphere for the dark hallway during holidays. Add stars and pinecones to enhance the starry effect. Not to forget the lights across the walls. It will enhance your walking experience and give a perfect decorative vibe.

Take Away

On a final note, indoor Christmas decorations turns out to be endless, but it depends on how much time you have for decorating…We hope these Indoor Christmas decoration ideas will surely entangle you to create beautiful decorative indoors for your festival this year…!

And before you take a leave, decorating indoors is as important as decorating outdoors, so we have additional blogs to help you out in your decorations…Hope you enjoy them…Merry Christmas…!

Outdoor Christmas Decorations: 31 Best Ideas for Your House!
16 Tips to Decorate Your Home for the Auspicious Occasions!

Image Courtesy: Image 3, Image 4, Image 13, Image 16, Image 19, Image 21, Image 22, Image 23

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